Tackling mental health at work one photo at a time

How many of you do the same trip to and from work, at the same time, walking past the same things, and probably passing the same people, without actually seeing anything?

You are on autopilot. And when it comes to lunchtime, more and more people are staying in the office and eating their lunch at their desk.

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In 2016, an article by EmployeeBenefits.co.uk found that over 52% of the 2,000 employees asked never left the office, and 24% of respondents regularly work through their lunch breaks (research by the National Charity Partnership, a collaboration between the British Heart Foundation, Diabetes UK, and Tesco).


According to the research, they also found:

  • 32% of respondents claim that heavy workloads stop them from leaving their desks at lunchtime, 14% blame workplace culture, and 13% admit stress stops them from leaving the office over lunch.

  • 91% of respondents believe that being outside makes them feel healthier or more positive.

  • 5% of respondents do something active at lunchtime, such as going to the gym or going for a walk.

  • 23% of respondents confess to simply not being bothered to be active at lunchtime’ All of this can have a massive detrimental effect on your mental health.

This is why I am launching my new Mini Lunchtime Smartphone Safari’s, aimed at getting you out of the office for an hour, getting some fresh air, learning a new skill, stepping away from your desk and helping boost your mental health. The statistics above show that 91% of people asked believe that getting out and about at lunchtime made them feel healthier or more positive, and yet only 5% of respondents actually did an activity.

London is full of hidden alleyways, amazing architecture, and secret spaces that so many people just don’t see. Discover what is on your doorstep while meeting and talking to other people, and learning to take fantastic photos on your smartphone.

 Once normal service resumes, sessions will be held at 12.30pm-1.30pm and 2pm-3pm on selected days (see the website for more information). Safari’s can either be booked individually here, or if your company would like to book me directly to run sessions just for your staff, then please send me an email.

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