What was the last ‘normal’ photo you took on your phone - before lockdown changed the way we live?
Image credit BBC
The BBC launched its #lastnormalphoto campaign, and it’s both fascinating and heartbreaking to see what we considered to be every day occurrences.
“The coronavirus pandemic has changed how we live. What was ordinary just a couple of months ago seems almost unrecognisable.”
Hundreds of people sent in their photos, and they have picked 13 to show on their website from weddings to boyfriends, football matches to parties, school runs and meetings with family. So much that we took for granted. If only we knew then what we know now.
What was the #lastnormalphoto you took? This was mine. A fantastic busker in the centre of St Albans taken on my last Smartphone Safari - and I can’t wait to get to hear him sing again!!!
Link to article HERE